We are AdminAnswers NI Ltd

Welcome to AdminAnswers NI Ltd, your trusted, award winning, virtual admin company, specialising in traditional administration. We understand that managing admin tasks can be time consuming and overwhelming, which is why Roisin, Maria and their team of experts are here to help.

Contact us today and discover how we can make your professional life easier and more productive.


In 2021 we decided it was time for a better work life balance. As friends and colleagues for many years, we knew that we could help others achieve a better work life balance too. With over 50 years experience (collectively!) working in office environments we can streamline processes and implement procedures to help businesses run more efficiently. We love what we do, we love the flexibility that we now have as business owners, and that we can be there for our families when we are needed. What is just as rewarding is watching our clients and their businesses thrive, knowing we have helped give them the space to do that by looking after some of the tasks they don’t have the time, or inclination to do. We bring our down to earth, friendly personalities and become part of your team.

Our aim is to give you back time to invest in your business, your family, and yourself. Let us handle the day to day administrative burdens so that you can focus on what matters most – growing your business, spending time with your loved ones, and taking care of yourself.

From managing your schedule and organising meetings to handling correspondence and conducting research, we'll ensure that your admin needs are handled efficiently and effectively. We adapt to your working style and provide reliable support whenever you need it.

At AdminAnswers NI Ltd, we pride ourselves on delivering a friendly and exceptional service tailored to your unique needs. Embrace the freedom and flexibility of working with a virtual assistant, and say goodbye to the stress of admin tasks.